Saturday, November 7, 2009

My latest painting

This is a poster for the Band Stoned Fire, i did this on my wacom.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gana movie poster art extravaganza

Those Crazy Ganans they paint there own variations to Hollywood movies everything from Big budget blockbusters to B movies. They even get creative with there own films and that of Nigeria. Some of these covers are fucking hilarious.

Look at his snake neck LOL

Wow they kept the creepiness of the bag guy in this painting, but added fatman abs to lou diamond Phillips looks like Billy Mays without his shirt and a Brazilian wax.

Casino's sequel takes place in Atlanta

It takes your Final Money $$$ The last dollars you would ever get , so does that mean you go back to foodstamp vouchers??

Cujo so cute but so rabid, this fucking dog wouldn't chase a naked man with barbacue sauce on his cock .

When Micheal Jackson died he came back as a mariachi lol

Stop Aids by being a fat ghetto fuck, his stomach so big that his dick wouldn't get
very far.

Black Angel is a cross dressing nun who shoots men in there underwear, Jesus was not only black so was the first nun aka The Black Angel.

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Holy shit he will fuck you up with his Popsicle dildo of death and then get his shirtless boy toy after you, they should have made this a Latino gay porno called Hector and Jesus,

They couldn't get Steven Segal To Pose so they got his Albanian equivalent

American Ninja is like gone with the wind this taxi Driver from Ghana once told me " I see dis move one hundred times before i fuck my wife, it is a movie about crazy ninja power"

Across the River a giant tit named quarto awaits...

Its Official Chavez is a full douchebag ! Bans violent videogames.

Worse Fake Tan Ever..

Spoiled ass bitch kids. Have you ever tried to have sex with someone with these faked tans?, they smell like rotten eggs thrown in with baked chicken ewww gross. I would have to scrub down a chick hazmat style before she lays down my sheets. Fucking people look like they have chemical peels.


Wowwwwww Fire coool

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another mom and pop store closed !

I used to come here back in 1992 when I worked for Sculpture Center Gallery, my boss who was the super cool and supportive curator would send me here to pick up Bree, and assorted meats for openings. I used to buy a plate of these assorted cheese and meats, for going to my ex girlfriend for a stroll in central park. When I started attending Hunter College I would buy precooked chicken breast , and cool stuff at at $2.50 a piece. They had an awesome turkey chili soup at the fraction of a price of Hearty soups which was across the street, not bad for a store on Lexington, Now its closed and probably going to be replaced my some other outlet.

Fuck you Doomberg

Mayor Micheal Bloomberg wins third term!

Good Bye Low and Middle Income people!
Micheal Bloomberg who bought his fourth term in office , promises to help out all the upper class. Hello expensive boutiques, Hipsters, and high rents.

To those who get offended by this picture that is what Bloomberg plans to do with the low to middle income people. Start looking for apartments in Pennsylvania, cause we wont be able to afford to live here anymore.

Twinkle Tits

A very funny Animation form master flash animator David Firth, gotta love that absurd British humor

John Carpenter is back !: Behind the scenes of The Ward

John Carpenter has a new horror film in production called The Ward, here he is rehearsing for the part of a Malevolent ghost .

can be seen here

Monday, November 2, 2009

Nicolitza ...interview coming soon

you asked for it in high demand the interview with the beautiful amazonian goddess Nikolitsa..coming soon

I love sexist ads from back in the day LOL

Halloween costumes that Rock

Damm Date rape is a motherfucker

Dumb ass cunt

She couldn't take a joke about her fucking costume , so she tries to sick her Ben Laden on crack boy friend after me. I killed numerous guys that looked like him in video games so whats one more in real life. * Tip if your from Jersey stay in Jersey popping that shit! The next time you will come across an a veteran from Iraq/Aph that will get some motherfucking Post Traumatic stress and go trigger happy on your ass..